Basic School Science and Lab Equipment

Two major considerations need to be taken into account when equipping a high school science or biology laboratory. The first is the curriculum and what experiments need to be demonstrated and the second is how many children will be in each class.

It is generally desirable to have no more than two or three students using each set of equipment. There should also be enough clean beakers, etc, so that time is not wasted in the short time allotted to the experiment by having to re-wash and clean equipment.

While there may be certain items of equipment unique to some of the experiments that the students will cover in the year, there are some basic items that you will find in virtually every school science laboratory.

Every laboratory should be close to emergency washing and even showering facilities. In addition, the lab should be equipped with an eyewash station.

Then there are the safety procedures that the teacher should be familiar with, as well as all safety equipment that would be necessary for himself and for each student. These include safety glasses, appropriate gloves when necessary for some experiments, lab coats to protect clothing and fire extinguishing equipment for all types of fires likely to occur.

The glassware that is normally part of a laboratory includes:

* Test tubes and graduated cylinders.
* Beakers, graduated in 50ml to 400ml capacities.
* Flasks of varying types, such as Florance flasks with rounded bottoms for heating substances, graduated Erlenmeyer flasks, Filter flasks with and without vacuum connections and/or taps. Volumetric flasks have a precise graduation mark for a specific amount of whatever substance is being measured.
* Pipettes; these come in single graduation for delivering one exact volume, called a Volumetric pipette. Then you get graduated pipettes which can hold different volumes of liquid, called a Mohr pipette.
* To go with the pipettes you get pipette bulbs or pipette fillers for sucking liquids into the pipettes.
* There are evaporating dishes and watch glasses that do the same things, but in much smaller quantities.
* Funnels and filter funnels.
* Stirring rods and chemical spoons.

Apart from the various items of graduated glassware, other measurements need to be taken as well. Electronic scales and balances are used to find out mass. There are a number of electronic instruments available for measuring dimensions, pH and moisture, among those things that may be relevant to the students' experiments.

Bunsen burners are used in almost every school laboratory, and all the paraphernalia that goes with them, such as hoses, ring stands, a variety of clamps and supports, and wire gauze.

Other equipment includes crucibles with tongs, a variety of racks for test tubes and flasks, pestles and mortars, and stoppers of all kinds with and without holes for glass tubing.

Then you need the cleaning brushes and other equipment and appropriate cleaning agents for cleaning the laboratory apparatus.

Many school laboratories make use of microscopes and computers as well, depending on what experiments they are covering.

For Laboratory Supplies

The Discovery of the Nucleus

The word atom is no longer being used in its correct context, originally it came from early Greek term 'atomos' to translate to mean 'indivisible'. Thanks to a discovery by British Physicist/Chemist Ernst Rutherford in 1909, this idea began to break down as science started to take a look inside the so-called indivisible atom.

Rutherford began his 'gold foil experiment' in the midst of the JJ Thomson 'Plum Pudding' stage of atomic theories. The experiment involved directing a radioactive source emitting alpha-particles towards gold foil. The gold foil was used because it is very thin so the target is nearly a line of atoms. The area was surrounded by a zinc sulphide screen which will give off a flash of light when hit by an alpha particle. Essentially, the experiment was designed to find out where the alpha particles went after colliding with the nucleus.

The energy levels of the alpha particles were around 6,000,000 eV compared to 0.02 eV of the nearly stationary gold atoms. Because of this the pattern on the detector was fairly unremarkable, most of the alpha particles passed through the gold atoms and whenever an alpha particle struck a gold atom, it simply moved it out of the way. There were however occasional exceptions, 1 in 10,000 alpha particles were deflected by over 90áµ’, these were completely unexplainable with the current impression of the atom.

Using Coulomb's Law (strength of force between two charged particles is inversely proportional to their distance apart squared), Rutherford's team found that the radius between the positive alpha particle and the positive force deflecting it must have been smaller than the radius of the atom in order to achieve the 300N repulsive force required to deflect it by over 90áµ’.

This calculation was extremely significant, it meant that for a neutral gold foil atom, there must be a small, concentrated area of positivity which is surrounded by negativity. Since the electron had already been discovered by Thomson at the end of the 19th century, they must be orbiting the centered positivity, thus the nucleus was born.

This was paradigm changing, the whole concept of the atom was changed and nuclear physics was now well under way, as with many brilliant scientific discoveries it just led to more questions which needed to be answered;

Why don't the electrons and nucleus attract each other and merge? What is keeping the positive subatomic particles together?

These questions needed an answer if the Rutherford 'Nuclear' model of the atom was to be accepted, which kick started nuclear physics and a new dawn for atomic discovery.

A-Level Science is a free resource for Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Psychology to a standard understandable for most A-Level Students. 100% free and no fuss,

Time Travel Model of Quantum Mechanics

The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is baffling, while the many-worlds interpretation is unrealistic. The time travel model attempts to provide a comprehensible explanation.

In this model we assume that the presence of a particle causes vibrations in the time coordinate of spacetime. The wave function may be identified with the amplitude of these temporal vibrations. The square of the wave function is proportional to the strength of these vibrations and gives the likelihood of finding a particle in the vicinity.

The time waves at present overlap the time waves of a moment ago, and so on, so that a particle becomes spread out over all the spacetime between the last interaction and all possible points of the next interaction. If a particle's time coordinate is uncertain, its position and momentum are also uncertain.

When an interaction occurs, the particle is no longer available for time travel and the wave function collapses backward in time to the point of the last interaction. Since we cannot observe the past, the collapse appears instantaneous. The collapse is itself not observable, so nothing observable changes in the past.

The Schrodinger equation states that the frequency of temporal vibration is proportional to the energy. Its complex nature is a mathematical way of describing vibrations. The many-dimensional nature of the wave function is a consequence of the Hamiltonian formulation. There is no implication that the world is actually complex or many dimensional.

The relativity of simultaneity causes a uniform vibration to become a traveling wave when seen from a moving coordinate system, which is why the momentum is obtained by taking the spatial derivative of the wave function.

The antisymmetric Fermi statistics of the wave function under exchange of a pair of identical fermions is a way of stating that the particles cannot occupy the same space at the same time. If all fundamental particles are spin one-half rishon fermions, then the symmetric Bose statistics are simply obtained by exchanging rishons two pairs at a time.

Let us consider two classic examples. In the two-slit experiment, a particle may go through one slit, then back in time, then through the other slit. In the case of two quantum entangled particles, when one is observed, the wave function for that orientation collapses backward in time, leaving only the wave function for the opposite orientation.

If a time wave curved around into a circle much smaller than its wavelength, the entire whirl would appear to oscillate back and forth in time. The whirl could not dissipate due to conservation of energy and angular momentum, or other quantum numbers. We suggest that these whirls are in fact the rishons. It is also a law of nature that a rishon cannot disappear unless it meets its antirishon. This model explains how a particle can produce time waves: particles simply are trapped time waves.

The observed intrinsic spin of a rishon is far greater than what could be possessed by a small rotating mass. In our model, the internal rotational phase velocity of the time waves may be much greater than the speed of light, since no information is conveyed. This may explain how a rishon can have a large angular momentum but little mass. Since a rishon is a cloud of time waves, it would have eigenstates of angular momentum. When its angular momentum (or energy) is measured, one would always find it to be an eigenstate, in accord with general principles of quantum mechanics. This cannot be understood if a rishon is viewed as a point particle.

The V rishon may be the lowest possible energy state, while the T rishon may be the highest possible energy state, perhaps because the phase velocity has slowed down to the speed of light. Any slight instability would cause intermediate states to gain or lose energy and move toward one extreme or the other. This may explain why there are just two stable rishons, light and heavy. The bare mass may be much larger than the observed mass, due to renormalization. Unfortunately it is not known how to calculate this, so hard numbers cannot be given.

The large spin of a rishon eliminates the spherically symmetric S states, leaving the three P states to correspond with the three colors. The T rishon constantly emits and absorbs a cloud of V anti-V particles, corresponding with gluons and photons as the pair carries net color or not. The V rishon does not have enough mass to do this. The weak force arises from the transfer of a group of rishons, the W particle. Small temporal vibrations of a particle could be considered quantum gravity, which might help stabilize the particle. These vibrations might also cause a large-scale distortion of spacetime, similar to thermal expansion. We would perceive this distortion as classical gravity. The Planck equation simply states that this distortion, which we call gravity, mass, or energy is proportional to the frequency of a particle.

A rishon might have a polar temporal field caused by the circular motion of time waves, analogous to a magnetic field. Particles would be ejected preferentially along the direction of this field, because time flows in that direction, thus violating parity. The temporal field would be aligned with or against the direction of external time, corresponding to rishons or antirishons. Because of the time difference, the two would have slightly different reaction rates, producing an excess of hydrogen over antihydrogen, which have the same rishonic content. The photon and gluon are symmetric with respect to matter and antimatter, but the W is not, so only the weak force violates parity.

Time dilation and the relativity of simultaneity are features of special relativity, while in general relativity mass influences the flow of time and gravitational radiation consists in part of time waves. Therefore our concept of time waves has some precedent. Quantum mechanics and general relativity both describe disturbances of spacetime and together provide a complete picture. Everything can be explained as waves, whirls, or bends in spacetime.

When a particle interacts, it stops time-travelling into the past, because the coherence of the time waves is broken. The wave function collapses, or disappears, backward in time. It is as though the wave function never existed at all, so it vanishes instantaneously in all frames, in agreement with the fundamental principle of relativity, that there is no preferred frame.

In the rishon model, all neutral matter has equal amounts of T and anti-T rishons. Under sufficient pressure, theses would be forced together and annihilate, so matter would convert to photons or neutrinos and escape before a naked singularity could form, or in a big crunch.

The collapse of a wave function is an irreversible process, so quantum mechanics does not conserve information, in a black hole, or anywhere else. Gravity is a curvature of spacetime, so the need for gravitons is questionable.

In the rishon model, a photon consists of a V anti-V pair, so, like the neutrino, it might have a small rest mass.

If the wavelength of a rishon's internal time wave is smaller than the rishon, the rishon would still oscillate in time, but in a more complicated way, perhaps giving rise to the effects associated with spin.

The P states mentioned above are conjectured to be states of intrinsic spin having spin one-half.

The photon and vector bosons have different masses because they are made of different rishons. Symmetry breaking is not needed.

Particles are disturbances in spacetime and according to general relativity would therefore have mass. The Higgs mechanism is not needed.

It would be of great interest to discover and study the equations which govern the structure of the rishons.

Jay Daniel Shelton attended the University of British Columbia, where he received a Masters degree in Physics. He is a independent investigator and resides in Fruita, Colorado.

Tips For Getting A Degree In Computer Science

Unlike to many other niches, computer science counts to one of the best paid and promising niches today. Because of the large increase in people buying computers and requiring quality services, more and more companies hire specialists in different micro niches such as programming, supervising, managing or support.

But what does all that have to do with obtaining a degree in the niche? Well, computer science is a very competitive market that requires more specialized experts than ever before. With the accumulation of a bachelor's degree a person will not only be estimated higher but it will open many doors for him or her.

It doesn't matter if it takes you 3 or 5 years to obtain a specialized degree in the field because once you have it, many employers will be glad to test your expertise and eventually higher you long term. We all know that it can be extremely difficult to get involved in a computer science degree program, especially if you are working a full time job. Besides, you might have other responsibilities like family, business etc for that you have to take care of.

Anyway, whenever you decide to get involved in a degree program make sure to plan every single aspect in advance. There is no worse thing than starting with a program and not being able to finish it. In fact, attending a 2 year internet course is a long commitment. You might have to give up on other things while you attend online or local classes. There is always a price to pay and therefore you have to make a decision for the long term.

If you think you cannot afford a degree program because you have limited financial resources you can apply for scholarship at your local university. On the other hand, if you don't think you would have sufficient time to visit a local university you should look into online courses.

Online courses tend to be very cost-effective and are mostly a lot cheaper. It is recommended to get the price for a specific degree program from different internet providers to filter the most reasonable and appropriate offer. Make sure to keep note on every offer you get and try to decide which offer would best suit your needs and current circumstances.

All in all, it can be said that there are many possibilities for degree programs. If you want to be more successful in your computer science degree you should definitely advance your education.

Simply click on degree in computer science to read more detailed information. Our computer science degree online website is here to help ambitious individuals to grow in ability and skill.

Tips for New Chemistry Teachers

Next year's cohort of new chemistry teachers will soon be arriving in their new schools following their training. It is almost certain that for most of them, the year ahead will seem to be a daunting prospect, however there are many sources of guidance and support which can be tapped in to during the year. The most important thing is to remember you are not on your own and many other people have gone through the same experience in previous years.

Here is a useful list of things to help make the transition from a newly qualified chemistry teacher to a confident and successful teaching practitioner:

1) Ask for help

In the early days it is vital to ask for help and advice from your colleagues. It is only natural to be unsure of how things work or what should be done in certain situations. The more knowledge which you gain early on will allow a much more smooth transition into life as a teacher in your school.

2) Talk to your peers

Form a support group, perhaps on Facebook or some other social networking site, with some fellow teachers which you trained with the previous year. Allow time and space for helping each other out with ideas for lessons, resources and letting off steam. Schools can sometimes become very pressurised places and it is good to have people and places where you can relieve yourself of unnecessary stress.

3) Allow time to relax

This is certainly going to be a very busy and tiring experience, however you need to still maintain some perspective and work-life balance. Make sure you build in periods for rest and relaxation during your week, especially at the weekend. Allow yourself a chance to recharge your batteries! Perhaps play some sport, go to the cinema, organise a shopping trip- anything to take your mind off school!

4) Eat properly and maintain your energy levels

Many teachers, especially when new to the profession, fall in to the trap of skipping breakfast in the morning and then working through lunch to get things done. This can be very detrimental to your health and wellbeing and you are more likely to become run down and ill. By eating properly and fuelling your body, you will be able to deal with any challenges more easily.

5) Go to bed early

Set yourself a curfew time when all work has to be stopped and start to wind down before bedtime. If you can't do this then delegate the responsibility of enforcing the curfew to your partner! I'm sure they would be very keen to get to spend some time with you.

6) Use prepared resources

You will have enough on your plate with planning lessons, marking work, attending meetings etc without having to spend hours making your own resources. Make use of many excellent free resources which are available online for free and often produced by highly experienced teachers.

7) Associate with positive people

It can be all too easy to become down and depressed, especially when you have a lot of work and responsibility to contend with. There can be many negative voices and complaining people inhabiting a staffroom, try to afford being sucked into their world. Find yourself some positive, supportive people to hang out with at lunchtimes as they will help you to feel more happy about work. These people look on the positive side of life and are usually good to talk to for support and advice.

8) Enjoy the learning process

There will be many new pieces of information which need to be learnt and become familiar with, which can be a daunting task. You will not learn everything straightaway, so take things as they come and look on teaching as a long term acquisition of knowledge.

9) Don't take on too much, too early

It is tempting to get involved with many other activities which are associated with school life in addition to your usual teaching schedule. Leave these extra things alone, if possible, until you are fully comfortable with just the day to day teaching requirements. You will have many more opportunities as your career develops to become involved in hundreds of extra activities. Enjoy your spare time and keep it to yourself!

10) Keep smiling

Always remember that at the end of the day, teaching is a job! You don't need to carry the troubles and woes of the world on your own shoulders. There will always be students which need help and have problems. Always try to switch off when away from work and realise that the contribution you make will be immense without even having to think about it!

Andrew Lochery founded Green APLEducation Ltd in 2007.


Surviving Severe Storms

If you're in the path of the hurricane, or other strong weather here are a few quick tips that may help you or even be the key to your survival.

Tip 1: Pack a go bag with two or three days clothing, for each person in your home, make sure you take all necessary toiletries and place them in a central place in a plastic garage bag. Don't forget if you have small children to pack diapers formulas or anything they need in a separate baby bag for easy access.

Tip 2: If your home is serviced by well water or even if you have city water it's a good idea to fill a spare bathtub with water using extreme caution if you have any small children that could get to it place a pool alarm in the tub as a precaution take great care to prevent drowning. This could be a great source of water to flush toilets and clean cookware. It is not recommended for cooking or consumption.

Tip 3: Have more than one car? Try to separate your cars by 50- 100 yards meaning do not park both of them in the garage because if you garage gets damaged you will be out two cars instead of one. The best idea is to shelter one vehicle and park a vehicle somewhere else preferably away from trees, power lines, or tall objects that could fall and damage the vehicle, don't forget to fill it with as much gas as you can afford.

Tip 4: Take the time now to contact your local authorities or the Red Cross so that you have there numbers, it would be a great idea to program them in your cell phone. Find out where the closest shelters are. If your home is extensively damaged and you may need to make a run for it!

Tip 5: Make sure all your cell phones have a full charge and you have spare batteries for your flashlights. If you are going to use candles make sure they are slow burning and not scented candles, if you burn to many scented candles at one time the smells can become overwhelming. Place everything in a centralized place. Plastic containers are a great idea, to keep things dry and organized. If your going to use emergency candles do not leave them unattended, burning while sleeping, or within reach of small children. A great alternative is a rechargeable LED lantern available almost anywhere they are about $15.00 and can even be recharged in your car.

Tip 6: During the storm stay away from windows and doors, as close to the center of your home as possible and on the lowest floor of your home. If your home sustains damage during the storm do not try to evacuate immediately unless you feel your home has received structural damage to the extent that you would be more at risk in your home than out in the storm. Minor damage to your home such as broken windows or a limb or tree in the side of the roof you are most likely safer to ride it out and not risk going out into the storm again, you must use your best judgment about the condition of your home.

The Science of Dieting

The science of dieting is a subject you will find me waxing lyrical about daily.

My major refrain?

It's all balderdash.

I have read a lot of rubbish in my life but never so much as I've read in regards to the diet industry. Clearly self-serving and clearly misleading, much of the so called 'expert opinion' out there is undoubtedly having a detrimental effect of peoples weight loss plans and consequently their self-esteem.

The industry is now worth an incredible £2billion pounds in the UK, an amazing amount of money. Unfortunately, it is not a sign of the diet industry's success at helping people lose weight - the complete opposite in fact.

To be successful commercially, the diet industry must fail to help people lose weight. If a diet plan, a pill or some other panacea was actually created that could really make people thin, the diet industry would cease to exist almost overnight. This means that there is a vested interest in all diet industry businesses to protect their market by preventing you losing weight.

One of the best ways for them to achieve this underhanded and self-serving result is to confuse and over-complicate their message. If your potential clients are convinced that dieting is some sort of difficult science, needing in-depth knowledge of nutritional and physiological theory, they will be forced to turn to these pseudo scientists for advice and consequently buy their products to help them lose weight. Its worked for many years and I am under no illusion that this process can be altered overnight.

My philosophy is that people should try to realise in consciousness, what they already know on some level. Ask the majority and they will tell you that losing weight and feeling better is a really very simple process, you don't need a doctorate in nutrition or scientific approach at all, you just need a little consistency, common sense and a healthy balanced diet.

Think about the truly healthy people you know. Don't they all seem to live well, just naturally? The genuinely healthy don't plan and over-think what they need to eat that day. They don't spend hours reading pseudo scientific articles on the value of Frozen Organic Mushroom Yoghurt. They just eat a natural, home cooked and balanced diet.

All I want to say is that losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle need not be a complicated or difficult thing to do. We just need to eat fresh healthy food and do a little exercise. It may sound glib but this is the truth and on some level, we all know it.

Total Diet Food provides a full gourmet diet food plan, freshly delivered daily to your door.
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Writing Science Poetry

Science poetry or scientific poetry is a specialized poetic genre that makes use of science as its subject. Written by scientists and nonscientists, science poets are generally avid readers and appreciators of science and "science matters." Science poetry may be found in anthologies, in collections, in science fiction magazines that sometimes include poetry, in other magazines and journals. Many science fiction magazines, including online magazines, such as Strange Horizons, often publish science fiction poetry, another form of science poetry. Of course science fiction poetry is a somewhat different genre. Online there is the Science Poetry Center for those interested in science poetry, and for those interested in science fiction poetry The Science Fiction Poetry Association. In addition, there's Science Fiction Poetry Handbook and Ultimate Science Fiction Poetry Guide, all found online. Strange Horizons has published the science fiction poetry of Joanne Merriam, Gary Lehmann and Mike Allen.

As for science poetry, science or scientific poets like science fiction poets may also publish collections of poetry in almost any stylistic format. Science or scientific poets, like other poets, must know the "art and craft" of poetry, and science or scientific poetry appears in all the poetic forms: free verse, blank verse, metrical, rhymed, unrhymed, abstract and concrete, ballad, dramatic monologue, narrative, lyrical, etc. All the poetic devices are in use also, from alliteration to apostrophe to pun to irony and understatement, to every poetic diction, figures of speech and rhythm, etc. Even metaphysical scientific poetry is possible. In his anthology, The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics, editor Timothy Ferris aptly includes a section entitled "The Poetry of Science." Says Ferris in the introduction to this section, "Science (or the 'natural philosophy' from which science evolved) has long provided poets with raw material, inspiring some to praise scientific ideas and others to react against them."

Such greats as Milton, Blake, Wordsworth, Goethe either praised or "excoriated" science and/or a combination of both. This continued into the twentieth century with such poets as Marianne Moore, T. S. Eliot, Robinson Jeffers, Robert Frost and Robert Hayden (e.g. "Full Moon"--"the brilliant challenger of rocket experts") not to mention many of the lesser known poets, who nevertheless maintain a poetic response to scientific matters. Says Ferris, "This is not to say that scientists should try to emulate poets, or that poets should turn proselytes for science....But they need each other, and the world needs both." Included in his anthology along with the best scientific prose/essays are the poets Walt Whitman ("When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer"), Gerard Manley Hopkins "("I am Like a Slip of Comet..."), Emily Dickinson ("Arcturus"), Robinson Jeffers ("Star-Swirls"), Richard Ryan ("Galaxy"), James Clerk Maxwell ("Molecular Evolution"), John Updike ("Cosmic Gall"), Diane Ackerman ("Space Shuttle") and others.

Certainly those writing scientific poetry like those writing science fiction need not praise all of science, but science nevertheless the subject matter, and there is often a greater relationship between poetry and science than either poets and/or scientists admit. Creativity and romance can be in both, as can the intellectual and the mathematical. Both can be aesthetic and logical. Or both can be nonaesthetic and nonlogical, depending on the type of science and the type of poetry.

Science poetry takes it subject from scientific measurements to scientific symbols to time & space to biology to chemistry to physics to astronomy to earth science/geology to meteorology to environmental science to computer science to engineering/technical science. It may also take its subject from scientists themselves, from Brahmagypta to Einstein, from Galileo to Annie Cannon. It may speak to specific types of scientists in general as Goethe "True Enough: To the Physicist" in the Ferris anthology. (Subsequent poets mentioned are also from this anthology.)

Science poetry may make use of many forms or any form from lyrical to narrative to sonnet to dramatic monologue to free verse to light verse to haiku to villanelle, from poetry for children or adults or both, for the scientist for the nonscientist or both. John Frederick Nims has written for example, "The Observatory Ode." ("The Universe: We'd like to understand.") There are poems that rhyme, poems that don't rhythme. There's "concrete poetry" such as Annie Dillard's "The Windy Planet" in which the poem in in the shape of a planet, from "pole" to "pole," an inventive poem. "Chaos Theory" even becomes the subject of poetry as in Wallace Stevens' "The Connoisseur of Chaos."

And what of your science and/or scientific poem? Think of all the techniques of poetry and all the techniques of science. What point of view should you use? Third person? First person, a dramatic monologue? Does a star speak? Or the universe itself? Does a sound wave speak? Or a micrometer? Can you personify radio astronomy?

What are the main themes, the rhythms? What figures of speech, metaphors, similes, metaphor, can be derived from science. What is your attitude toward science and these scientific matters?

Read. Revise. Think. Proofread. Revise again. Shall you write of evolution, of the atom, of magnetism? Of quanta, of the galaxies, of the speed of sound, of the speed of light? Of Kepler's laws? Shall you write of the history of science? Of scientific news?

Read all the science you can.

Read all the poetry you can.

You are a poet.

You are a scientist.

What have you to say of the astronomer, the comet, of arcturus, of star-sirls, of galaxies, of molecular evolution, of atomic architecture, of "planck time" to allude to other poetic titles.

What does poetry say to science?

What does science say to poetry?

Susan Shaw is a freelance writer and web content writer. Her articles and web content appear online. Susan Shaw is an affiliate of The Book Store/The Science Library, [] (For The Science Library, put "Science" in their search engine.)

Selling Back Textbooks Effortlessly on Internet

As a college student, you surely have many used textbooks in your room. Since you have many used textbooks, you probably want to get rid of the textbooks to make more spaces in your room. Fortunately, these days, there are used textbooks buyers that are ready to buy college used textbooks so you can get rid of you textbooks and at the same time make money from your used textbooks. This is absolutely a perfect opportunity for you since you have chances to get some refunds from the money you have spent to buy your textbooks. 

To sell back textbooks, you had better do it on internet because selling used textbooks online enables you to sell used textbooks effortlessly. As you probably have frequently heard, when you do an activity over the internet, you can do it anytime from anywhere. In this case, anytime means at any time you feel comfortable. Whether you feel comfortable to sell textbooks at night or in the morning, you can sell your textbooks without worries. As a college student who is usually busy in the morning, you surely find this opportunity as a great opportunity because you can sell textbooks after you arrive from college. 

Further, selling textbooks online avoid you from leaving your place because you can sell from anywhere including from the comfort of your home. The existence of companies offering textbook buyback on internet helps saving your energy as you don’t need to drive your car. As you know, driving a car in busy hours might cause you to get trapped in a traffic jam in which this will certainly waste your valuable time and energy. Therefore, if you are interested in getting some money from your used textbooks, you had better consider selling the textbooks online because it allows you to sell textbooks effortlessly. 

This is how you can make a good dissertation

What do you think about dissertation? Dissertation is something that must be done if you want to graduate from your school. How to make a good dissertation? There are so many people who ask that. They need to know how to write a good dissertation. One thing that you need to know, dissertation is not a task that can be done by a week or maybe two weeks. There are so many people who spend more than years to finish their dissertation. The first thing that you have to know in making a good dissertation is how to make a good proposal. It is true that people always frustrated while creating dissertation, especially when they have no one that can help them. So, what are you going to do right now?

This is how you will able to know how to write good dissertation. As you have already known, writing a good dissertation needs to know some tips. There are so many tip that you can follow while finishing your paper, especially your dissertation. The first thing is finding the right advisor that will assist you to write a good dissertation. After finding an advisor, you need to make a proposal so you will able to start your writing. Now, the next thing that you need to know is how to write a good dissertation proposal. The first thing is review your topic. As you have known, topic is the important key in writing. It is also important to get many sources, so you will able to take a responsibility to the proposal that you will make.

Have you heard about Good Writing Help? Good Writing Help is where you will able to get the main key for your dissertation proposal. I hope you can visit the site and get some tips about how to write a good dissertation.